Frequently asked questions

Here you will find answers about the application process and finding the right vacancies. We have summarized the most important information you need to be successful in your search.

How does Personnel Search find potential candidates for IT jobs?
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We have an extensive database with >100,000 CVs. In addition, our recruiters use various channels to find suitable candidates and to enter into interviews.

How are candidates screened & assessed by Personnel Search?
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We think it is important that there is a good match between the client and candidate, both on technical knowledge and on character. We speak to each candidate several times, by telephone and via video call, before we introduce them to the client. The technical skills of the candidate are also tested. Based on the test result and the various interviews, we decide to introduce the candidate to the client, or not

How does Personnel Search assess the technical skills of the candidates?
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The most suitable candidates are technically tested. We do this to ensure that they indeed have the necessary technical skills and knowledge. The tests are always tailor-made for the candidate, matching the required seniority level and the required techniques, systems or software.
Only when candidates pass their technical test we introduce them to the client. They may then assume that the candidates have sufficient technical knowledge in-house to properly fulfill the open role.

Does Personnel Search also offer personal assessments for candidates?
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For Executive Search, our service where we look for CTOs, CIOs, IT managers and directors for clients, a Personal Profile Analysis (PPA Thomas International) is included in the recruitment process. This online profile analysis provides good insight into the core qualities of an applicant. It quickly identifies the strengths and weaknesses, as well as character traits, motivation and behavior in the workplace. In addition, the Personal Profile Analysis provides insight into the social and communication skills of the candidate and how they perform under pressure.